So, what happens before this? As your phone is becoming obsolete, every time you can enjoy fewer applications, and the operating system will be very late. But then apple advances constantly, and launches many more phones to the market, with obviously updated versions of the operating system. we can think, and imagine the following hypothetical scenario: you have a phone with which you really feel satisfied, and you do not have the neither need nor the economic resources to change it for a newer version. This is a not very popular application, but it is used by many people, because. It allows saving your SHSH file, as well as unlocking the device All this in a very easy, fast, and simple way, with the help of this program. This signature is specific to each iOS and even for each iPhone.
SHSH is a digital signature that is needed to install a firmware. TinyUmbrella is a program thanks to which we can save the SHSH in our computer, emulating a server and, in this way, to fool iTunes.It is an application that can be used from the PC, be it Windows Mac Intel, Mac PPC, and Linux.